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All batteries have the same damage thresholds:

  • damaged: 80%
  • destroyed: 10%
Name Manufacturer Emissions Power Storage (kW) Components Base Value Cost Range
dBW Hz
R100 Beaumont 2 704 50.00 2160 2364-3744
T100 Beaumont 1 708 50.00 2400 2582-4043
X100 Beaumont 3 706 60.00 2160 2964-3588
EB10 Edison 2 700 65.00 2400 2584-3460
EB20 Edison 3 702 70.00 roau roau tasc tasc buff tasc tasc 2904 2736-4262
EB30 Edison 3 698 75.00 roau roau tasc tasc buff clte clte roau roau 2640 2483-3692
GG8 Sukarno 2 697 25.00 roau roau tasc tasc tasc tasc clte clte clte clte buff 1800 2873-2873
GG10 Sukarno 2 696 35.00 roau roau tasc tasc tasc tasc clte clte clte clte buff hapn hapn hapn hapn 1782 2002-2002
RS8 Sukarno 3 695 45.00 1782 2278-2278